Inside my head, it is dark red
@ NON Performing - Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde (2023)
Altonale Kunstherbst - Hamburg, Germany (2019)
Museum Ovartaci - Aarhus, Denmark (2019)
@ NON Performing, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde (2023)
Pic: David Stjernholm
A film project on voice hearing, listening and the human consciousness.
Approximately 200,000 Danes are estimated to hear or have heard voices. Of these, only one in three actually becomes a psychiatric patient, while two-thirds are able to handle the voices without psychiatric help. There are many prejudices about the phenomenon and many people who suffer from voice hearing experience stigmatisation. Most of those diagnosed with schizophrenia become patients in psychiatric wards, where heavy medication are using in order to try to silence the voices.
In April and May 2019, Danish sound and visual artist Louise Vind Nielsen moved into Museum Ovartaci i Aarhus, where she opened what she called the "Voice Workshop". Here, the voice, voice hearing and other psychoacoustic phenomena were in focus. Through conversations with voice hearing people, sound artists and other "experts" in voice, voice hearing and listening, Louise took as her starting point voice hearing as being much more than just an unwanted symptom of mental illness, but rather a phenomenon to learn from. What happens if we start listening to voices and giving voices meaning? Is the subject always subject to the voices or is it possible to master the voices? What do the voices sound like and where do they come from? How is voice hearing perceived in other cultures? Can the voices tell something about problems and diseases in society?
In the film "Inde i mit hoved, så er den mørkerød" (Translates: Inside my head, it is dark red) various voices appear. You hear the voice of Medea, who is said to have murdered her children - a fictional narrative based on the story of Medea and Jason from Greek mythology. You hear excerpts from Louise's conversations with people who hear one or more voices in their heads, you hear a paranoid schizophrenic musician talking about his acoustic hallucinations, you hear a speech therapist who herself experience all sounds as shapes and colours (synaesthesia), and a local voice hearing consultant who is one of the world's leading experts in voice hearing.
The visual motiv of the film depicts the same piece of green screen fabric thoughout the entire film. The green screen color is normally the background color which you would eradicate completely in film and exchange for a background of your desire. Thoughout the film Louise shows the fabric and exposes it to different lighting which makes the color constantly change.
Here you can watch the film.
(Danish with Danish subtitles)
Danish with German subtitles:
@ NON Performing, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde (2023)
Pic: David Stjernholm
@ NON Performing, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde (2023)
Pic: David Stjernholm
Interview with Louise Vind Nielsen by Anne Neimann Clement for the Danish sound art podcast Lydkunstpodcast @
(In Danish)