I am here
right now
and I am talking to you
I am talking to you through my tongue
which has been cut off
My tongue has been separated
from my body
My body is now in a different place
My name is Philomela
I'm one of those princesses of Athens
and I think my story has been
the beginning
of a long tradition
in western culture
uuuuuuuuuaaaa uuuuuuuuuuuaaaaa
a mechanical breathing
perhaps it’s an old radio
trrr trrrrr trrrr trrrrrr hiiiiiii
aaaauuuuuaaa aaaauuuuuuaaaaa aaaaauuuaaa
window is opening and closing
I wonder what machine has this mechanical breathing
mmmmmm brrrr! mmmmmm brrrr! mmmmmm brrrr!
the connect is bad, but it is there
there is something
keeping us together
Public domain videos and pictures can be downloaded and shared with others as long as the authorship is credited and there is a link to the website of the author. These works cannot be altered in any way or used for commercial purpose nor displayed or exhibited without the consent of the artist. Thank you <3
Louise Vind Nielsen © 2007 - 2020
Please contact me for requests, booking or questions: